Opinion polls

Sociological surveys are a standard method of collecting information in research. Research allows you to find out the answers to any questions that interest the customer and may affect the strategy, development of the promotion concept and other important aspects.

A sociological survey can be conducted in different ways:

  • 1. Telephone survey or CATI (a very popular type of research, it allows you to identify the opinion of the target audience from different cities and even countries, including hard-to-reach population groups, its cost is lower compared to other survey methods);
  • 2. Street survey or survey at a retail outlet (takes place on the street/at a retail outlet, where only representatives of the target audience are invited to participate in the study);
  • 3. Online survey (a type of research that is gaining popularity, when representatives of the target audience receive an Internet link through which they can independently complete a survey and receive a reward);
  • 4. Door-to-door survey (usually involves compensation for the participant and takes a long time, has recently lost popularity due to security issues);
  • 5. Postal survey (today it is used extremely rarely, as it gives minimal results - the audience is not ready to send answers on their own, with a small exception being postal surveys with a guaranteed prize for respondents).

Today, the BCGroup call center has the ability to receive up to 50,000 opinions on political topics every month, which guarantees the relevance of the information received at a much lower cost and time than with a personal survey.

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