Additional airport services


Previously, the research agency BCGroup conducted a major study of the market for services provided at airports.

The purpose of the study was to forecast the demand for new services at a large airport in Eurasia.

The following tasks were set for the study:

  • search for additional services for the airport;
  • assessment of the financial potential of services (what additional annual turnover an additional service can bring);
  • assessment of passenger preferences in the field of loyalty programs;
  • assessment of satisfaction with the quality and composition of services provided by the airport;
  • target audience segmentation;
  • assessing the interest of target audience segments in services and brands;
  • selection of the most successful services for subsequent implementation.

Personal (in airport terminals) and telephone surveys were used as methods for collecting information.

The sample size was 80,000 people.

It is worth noting that the survey took place quite quickly (2 months). Passengers were willing to make contact, regardless of nationality, social status and fame.

For privacy reasons, we cannot provide specific brands and numbers.

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